Chevrolet Theater Seat PlaqueName a Chevrolet Theater Seat

Choose one of our Chevrolet Theater Seats as a naming opportunity for yourself or your family, to honor a friend or loved one, celebrate a special occasion, or promote a business or club. Seats are available for a $1,000 tax deductible donation.
Plaques can accommodate up to five lines of text, and 30 characters/spaces per line. Click here to see a chart of available seats.

To order, complete the online form below.

Donations to name Chevrolet Theater Seats may also be made by mail by downloading and completing this form (Theater Seat Form) and mailing to:
National Corvette Museum
Attention Bobbie Jo Lee
350 Corvette Drive
Bowling Green, KY 42101-9134
For further information contact: Bobbie Jo Lee at [email protected] or call 270-467-8833.